Bible Study
Time: 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
**** Next class will be Friday March 14th, 2025 ****
Study Book: Nehemiah - The Courage to Face Opposition
Scripture: Nehemiah 13
Class Content:
On Wednesday March 5th, we by God’s grace were able to continue the study of the book of Nehemiah.
We focused on Ne 13.
We discussed questions regarding how we handle it when we sin again after making promises to God that we sometimes fail to keep and what happens when someone corrects us or we correct someone. With it we had lots of discussions of our dealings with people today and how Nehemiah dealt with his disappointment as he returned then. We discussed how the people during Nehemiah’s time had stepped away from their covenant while Nehemiah had returned to king Artaxerxes of Babylon – by not properly taking care of the temple, married foreigners, and by not respected the Sabbath. Even the high priest Eliashib had failed to properly administer the storerooms of the house of God.
Next, we will continue our study with Ne13:1-31. We will start with question 3 found on page 43 of our study guide.
Our next study will be the book of Ezra, followed by Esther, and Acts.
Please let Cecil Haney know if you need a study guide and we will work to get you one for this Bible Study. Please join us.
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