Weekly Bulletin



             Order of Service

                                                                              October 27, 2024



 Invocation                                                            Deacon Pete Sainvilier

 Responsive Reading                                           Deacon Pete Sainvilier                                                                               Opening Hymn                                                          


 Welcome and Announcements                                 

 Praise Reports/Prayer Request


 Pastoral Prayer                                         


Tithes/Offering/Deacon’s Offering

Offertory Prayer



Praise Team

Message in Music:                                                   

                                                                                                                                                                                     Sermon                                                                 “Ai defeats the Israelites"

                     Joshua 7 KJV

                Pastor Javon A. Voglezon, Sr

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Invitation Hymn:                                                                  













Healing prayers for Mother Olu, Gloria Voglezon, Walter Jarvis, Avis Harris, Sam Simmons, Patricia Williams,  Pete Sainvilier, Chris Powell, Sophie Faletto, Dennis Beamer, Emmanuel Udoumoh, Mary Harding, Eddie & Joan Brown

Prayers of comfort: Ms. Wilma Johnson and Ms. Martha Brown for the loss of their sister, Ms. Peggy Chestnut, Ms. Helena Laryea for the loss of her sister Doris Mensh, Mary Harding for the loss of her step-daughter Sandra Walker, Joanne Thomas for the loss of her sister, Alice Clifton, the Hamrick family for the loss of Robert’s mother, Helen Culver.




                                 The Theme for October is “First Fruits.”


                                   Tuesday Morning Prayer Group Words of Wisdom Quote:

                               We must come to good works by faith and not to faith by good works.

Putnam Fellowship Hall will be used for the upcoming election.  As a result, access will be restricted from October 25th through November 6th, because the voting equipment will be stored and secured there.  If you need emergency access for some reason, please contact the Trustees.  Our goal is to be faithful to preserve the sanctity of the election.                                            

Choir rehearsal will resume Tuesday, November 5th.


Holiday Bazaar & Fish Fry will occur on Saturday, November 9th.  See separate flyer.

Food Drive/ Distribution is scheduled for Saturday, November 23rd.  Please consider volunteering to buy the food, arrange the food in bags, set up everything on the morning of the Food Drive, distribution of the food, and help with breaking everything down once the Food Drive is completed. Please join in on this awesome opportunity to serve our community together for His glory!

The Finance Team needs counters. Please speak with Ms. Wilma Johnson, Financial Secretary.

Children’s Church Ministry—Kendra Williams is the contact person for this ministry. She is seeking help to keep it going. Please reach out to Kendra if you are interested in helping.


The Wednesday night Bible study meets via Zoom at 7:00 pm. on Wednesday evenings. We are continuing our study of the Book of Nehemiah.  It is not too late to JOIN! Please let Cecil Haney know if you need the materials for the class. Please join us!

Bible Study this week will be on Monday10/28.                                            

Hillandale Crusaders Please join us at 10:00 a.m. in classroom 105 or via Zoom, as we study Genesis 25, "Issac and Rebekah Family Favorites."  Our theme for 6 weeks is "family conflict."



      October Stewardship Message                                   

Church Giving Clipart   

Our ability to use our resources to bless others is fundamentally based upon whether we think we have too much or too little.   E.G. “Jay” Link

                                                          Stewardship Committee,

                    Alana Frett, Joanne Thomas, Fay Rhoden-Barrett, and Sheila Williams


Offerings: Those unable to access the website https://www.hillandalebc.org/ - use the link “Donate” on the right side of the blue bar under the picture. If you have any questions, feel free to contact a member of the Finance Team.

                                                                     (As October 20, 2024)


     Weekly Actual: $5,995.30                      Weekly Budget: $7,281.12             Shortage: ($1,285.82)

     YTD Actual:  $160, 985.38                      YTD Budget: $305,807.04             Shortage: ($144, 821.66)


                         Attendances for Sunday, October 20, 2024 – (In Person) 47, (Zoom) 17





                      birthday balloons clipart from www.pinterest.com                 OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS                       birthday balloons clipart from www.pinterest.com             

               Martin Abegley               10/07                   Joy Akum                 10/08

                   Vincent Barrett              10/11                  Aaron Oke                 10/17                               

                      Idaraesit  Udoumoh         10/20                 Nancy Yilla               10/25                                 

                         Nick Sainvilier                 10//25                Bessie Udoumoh       10/27




         Sunday School Classes



Experiencing God at 9:00 a.m.                                      HBC Crusaders Class at 10:00 a.m.

Growing Older and Wiser at 10:00 am                         Children’s Church at 10:00 a.m.



We will use the Sunday Church Service Zoom link for all Hillandale Baptist Church virtual or hybrid events, and it can be found on our HBC’s website: https://www.hillandalebc.org/ or

**Phone number: 301-715- 8592


Meeting ID: 926-201- 454 (followed by #)

Password: 011746 (followed by #)


Sunday Worship Service 11:00 AM

Monday – Saturday Prayer 6:00 AM (except 8 AM on Saturdays & holidays) & 6:00 PM

Use our HBC conference call phone line: Phone # (202) 926-1127: Code 664971 (followed by #)

Tuesday, Women’s Prayer Group at 11:00 AM will use the Zoom internet link.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 7:00 PM will use the Zoom internet link

Thursday, at 6 PM, the evening prayer session will use the Zoom internet link.

** Alternate Zoom phone numbers:

If the (301) phone number above does not get you through, use any of the alternate phone numbers identified below:

253- 215- 8782 US; 929- 436- 2866 US (New York); 312- 626- 6799 US (Chicago);

346- 248- 7799 US (Houston) or 669- 900- 6833 US (San Jos





 Romans: Road to Salvation


Romans 3:23, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God."


Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."


Romans 5:8, “But God demonstrates His love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."


Romans 10:9, "that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."


Romans 5:1, "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."


Romans 8:38-39, "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth

Nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.




                               Our Vision Statement


Hillandale Baptist Church has been called by God to serve this community for His glory. Because Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, we commit to be a living and active spiritual body, of redeemed and reconciled saints, determined to be used as vessels of honor, by courageously walking by faith, in Jesus Christ, in every way that we serve Him, to make disciples of everyone He sends.